Birdwatching in Santa Maria Valley

April 17, 2024 -
February 28, 2025
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Price: Courtesy of Santa Maria Valley
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Santa Maria, CA
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Event ID: 218082
The unique geography of Santa Maria Valley provides an optimal environment for birdwatching thanks to its proximity to both the Pacific Ocean and oak woodland habitats.

Santa Maria Valley’s unique birdwatching potential
Santa Maria Valley is a largely unknown destination for birding enthusiasts. The valley’s unique geographic location provides extensive opportunity for bird watching. Santa Maria Valley rests in the middle of two of the best birding spots in the nation, Santa Barbara and Morro Bay. Because of its closeness to both the Pacific Ocean and oak woodland habitats, birdwatchers have access to two unique birding locales.

Bird Watcher’s Digest published a feature on Santa Maria Valley, saying that the Santa Maria Valley is “an incredible birding area.” The publication also named a few of the best locations to spot birds throughout the valley, including the Rancho Guadalupe County Park and Dunes, the Barka Slough, Jim May Park, Colson Canyon and Oso Flaco Lake.

Many birdwatchers also know that one of the best places to find birds is the Santa Maria Water treatment plant, which is one of few water treatment plants in the United States that still offers public access for birdwatching, as long as you follow basic safety guidelines. Non-birders laugh, but birders know that these facilities attract many species of ducks and sandpipers (and predators such as peregrine falcons and burrowing owls).

The birdwatching “frontier”
Some birdwatchers refer to Santa Maria Valley as “the frontier,” because although the valley is rich with birds, few local birdwatchers actively work the area. However, those who do bird watch in the valley are dedicated to their hobby. Each December and January, birdwatchers gather together for the National Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count.

Birders in Santa Maria Valley have been counting birds during the annual count for nearly 40 years, heading out each December to look for as many bird species as possible within the Santa Maria Valley count circle, which spans 15 square miles, running along the coast from the San Antonio River Estuary to the Santa Maria River Estuary. The counters have 24 hours to scour their count circle for birds.

John Deacon organized the 2020 bird count for the Santa Maria Valley-Guadalupe area. The count had 19 participants who counted roughly 147 species of birds. The Pacific Ocean takes up much of the Santa Maria Valley count circle, which limits counting potential, but also provides opportunities to see rare birds along the coastline. Some species make surprise appearances in each count.

Join this year’s Bird Count - Calling birders of all levels
Each December and January, birdwatchers gather together for the National Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count.

To join in on the Santa Maria-Guadalupe bird count, check the National Audubon Society website for information about the date, time and who to contact for each count.
This listing courtesy of CA Watchable Wildlife CA Watchable Wildlife

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